Celebrate life!
I've always considered coffee shops to be magical places. I could sit there for hours enjoying my java, while working on my laptop or chatting with friends. But once I started a family, I wanted to have a similar experience at home. This is how ecobeans was born to bring the delightful pour-over experience to homes and workplaces. Our ethically sourced beans are small-batch roasted to perfection and filled with an enchanting aroma that evokes fond memories of a cozy coffee shop. They will ground you, uplift you, and awaken you to what life has to offer. A perfect blend of flavors that will dance on your taste buds, while our fully compostable pods and recyclable boxes ensure that you can feel good about your cup of coffee.
Alina Gogoescu
The new bean in town!
ecoBeans was created to meet the growing demand for premium quality artisan organic coffee that has sustainability at its very heart. Our coffees tick all the boxes in the market trends:
Our artisan coffee
Our beans are carefully selected and masterfully roasted by a seasoned professional with a diverse experience spanning almost all aspects of the coffee industry. Born and raised in the heart of Colombian coffee culture, Fernando graduated as a Food Engineer and joined the National Federation of Coffee Growers in the Quality Assurance Department. As a certified Q-Grader - an expert in evaluating and grading coffees beans - and Master Roaster, he brings his unique, holistic approach to coffee, from selecting the best beans to small-batch artisan roasting practices. After all, it's not just about the technical aspects of the process. It is also about the artistry involved in creating the perfect cup of coffee.